apr-0.9.2 and apr-util-0.9.2 break w/symlinked /usr/local

David A. Panariti davep.freebsd at meduseld.net
Fri Apr 4 11:33:02 PST 2003

I searched the mailing lists and couldn't find any references to this

I have /usr/local on another slice and a symlink to it, and this is what
causes my problem.

Inside ap[ur]-config, pathnames are compared to determine in what state the
command is running: installed, source or build.  The problem is that
`realpath' is used on only one path variable used to make the determination,
`thisdir' but not `tmpbindir'.  Because of this, ap[ur]-config would
mistakenly think I was in the `build' state and emit incorrect include and
lib locations.

The attached patches correct this.
I've provided patches to the .in files whereas for testing I originally
patched the scripts in /usr/local/bin, so apologies if something went awry.

I'm not subscribed, so any responses should email me directly.


The Heineken Uncertainty Principle:
	You can never be sure how many beers you had last night.
-------------- next part --------------
--- apr-config.in.ORIG	Fri Apr  4 14:11:48 2003
+++ apr-config.in	Fri Apr  4 14:12:39 2003
@@ -131,6 +131,9 @@
 if test -d $bindir; then
   tmpbindir="`cd $bindir && pwd`"
+  if test -x "`which realpath 2>/dev/null`"; then
+    tmpbindir="`realpath $tmpbindir`"
+  fi
-------------- next part --------------
--- apu-config.in.ORIG	Fri Apr  4 14:13:51 2003
+++ apu-config.in	Fri Apr  4 14:14:27 2003
@@ -119,6 +119,9 @@
 if test -d $bindir; then
     tmpbindir="`cd $bindir && pwd`"
+    if test -x "`which realpath 2>/dev/null`"; then
+	tmpbindir="`realpath $tmpbindir`"
+    fi

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