problems with Xfree 4.30 "mega" port

Bartek Bezulski beza666 at
Fri Apr 4 08:40:02 PST 2003

As I am new to this list I would like to introduce
My name is Bartek Bezulski, I live in Lodz, in Poland.
I have been using FreeBSD for some time now, but I
started using ports about a week ago (I have just got
a normal Internet connection, thats why), so I am kind
of a new to whole "ports" stuff. My hobbies are
swimming and playing football (soccer),
Ok, here is my question.
I just installed a brand new 4.7-RELEASE bsd machine
at home, updated ports tree with cvsup-no-GUI port and
decided to install XFREE-4 mega port. And here is my
It seems that XFREE-4-CLIENT depends on XfX port, XfX
port depends on both XFREE-4-font(Encoding and
Scalable) ports, but one of them depends on
XFREE-4-CLIENT, and unfortunately it makes installing
XfX port impossible, can someone please explain what
is going on ? Am I doing anything wrong ? I just
installed XFREE-4 "mega" port at work, but I was using
an old "4.7-RELEASE" version of ports tree and
everything went fine.

tnx and regards

Bartek Bezulski

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