ports/180954: sysutils/pciutils (lspci) uses its own database and not that from the misc/pciids port

Uffe Jakobsen uffe at uffe.org
Tue Jul 30 20:20:06 UTC 2013

>Number:         180954
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       sysutils/pciutils (lspci) uses its own database and not that from the misc/pciids port
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Jul 30 20:20:00 UTC 2013
>Originator:     Uffe Jakobsen
>Release:        9.1-RELEASE
sysutils/pciutils (lspci) uses its own database and not that from the misc/pciids port

I know that the pciutils port contains the update-pciids script - but not many users know that. And since pciutils is not updated frequently the database contained in the pciutils package it quite old and hence most users run on an old pciids database snapshot.

Why not let it use/depend on the pciids port (which id updated frequently) ?




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