ports/180441: [patch] updates to port for metaf2xml 1.52+

Thomas metaf2xml at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jul 10 16:30:00 UTC 2013

>Number:         180441
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       [patch] updates to port for metaf2xml 1.52+
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Jul 10 16:30:00 UTC 2013
>Originator:     Thomas
Please apply the changes described below to the files for metaf2xml 1.52
(or later versions).
If a change does not meet the requirements from the Porter's Handbook,
feel free to adapt or drop it.

Master Sites

The URL for downloads has changed to:


e.g. for the current version:



I added some changes to the Makefile in the patch.

I don't know if the target pre-install is really required. It creates
$CGI_BIN_DIR and $HTDOCS_DIR, but this is also done by install.pl and
it should not be necessary to do it separately.

There is one more file, metaf2xml-$VERSION-apache.conf, an example
configuration for Apache. I assume the correct target directory is
%%APACHEETCDIR%%/Includes .

I found the project p5-Geo-METAR-1.15 with the categories Geography,
Astro, Perl5 and py26-metar-0.17 with Geography, Astro, Python. Both do
approximately the same as metaf2xml. However, metaf2xml has the category
textproc, together with aspell, diffutils, OpenOffice and similar
programs. Wouldn't the categories of p5-Geo-METAR-1.15 be more
appropriate (except I'm not sure about the Astro)?
But probably moving a port to a different subdirectory is a major change
with a lot of effort ...


I added some changes to the pgk-descr in the patch.

The first paragraph of the description (from the README) describes the
main goal of the project, the second one describes additional components
which are absolutely required for end users. So while it would be
possible to omit the second paragraph if requirements command it, the
project would maybe not reach as many end users as it could.


There are some files missing in the list, and one is obsolete.
I added some changes to the pgk-plist in the patch.

One more question regarding dependencies:

Depending on how it is used, the perl script metaf.pl requires one or
more of curl, xsltproc, and a Web server (tested: Apache) during
runtime; maybe one or the other dependency should be added.

Thank you very much for maintaining this port. If you need anything
changed to make your work easier, just say so.

Kind regards,


Patch attached with submission follows:

Index: Makefile
--- Makefile	(revision 322708)
+++ Makefile	(working copy)
@@ -6,21 +6,24 @@
 PORTNAME=	metaf2xml
-CATEGORIES=	textproc
+CATEGORIES=	german spanish russian textproc science perl5
 MAINTAINER=	clsung at FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT=	Parses METAR, TAF, and SYNOP messages and stores the components in XML
+COMMENT=	Parses METAR,TAF,SYNOP,BUOY messages and stores them as XML
+MAN1=		man/man1/metaf.1 man/man1/metaf2xml.1 man/man1/metafsrc2raw.1
+MAN3=		man/man3/metaf2xml::parser.3pm man/man3/metaf2xml::src2raw.3pm
 MAKE_ARGS=	CGI_BIN_DIR=${PREFIX}/www/metaf2xml/cgi-bin \
 		HTDOCS_DIR=${PREFIX}/www/metaf2xml/htdocs \
 NO_BUILD=	yes
+USE_PERL5=	yes
 	${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/www/metaf2xml/cgi-bin \
Index: distinfo
--- distinfo	(revision 322708)
+++ distinfo	(working copy)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (metaf2xml-1.42.tgz) = 54e0a43fbb6fe2b3f0ed1d08e1509d2f19f0f9ba1100d36ade6788b1be9e568e
-SIZE (metaf2xml-1.42.tgz) = 260652
+SHA256 (metaf2xml-1.52.tgz) = f97782f70095ad0d41e6f99540d0f5fe56bde29a87378d3522f99c7161bd54dc
+SIZE (metaf2xml-1.52.tgz) = 322093
Index: pkg-descr
--- pkg-descr	(revision 322708)
+++ pkg-descr	(working copy)
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
-metaf2xml parses aviation routine weather reports (METAR, SPECI),
-aerodrome forecasts (TAF), and synoptic observations (SYNOP) and
-stores the components in XML. They can then be converted to plain
-language (text, HTML), or XML with different schemas.
+metaf2xml can download, parse and decode aviation routine weather
+reports (METAR, SPECI, SAO), aerodrome forecasts (TAF), synoptic
+observations (SYNOP) and observations from buoys (BUOY). The
+extracted data can be written as XML or passed to a user-defined
+function (all done in Perl).
+It also provides XSLT style sheets to convert the XML to plain
+language (text, HTML), or XML with different schemas. A web-based
+(CGI) user interface can be used to download and display up-to-date
+weather data from NOAA, Ogimet, and other sources.
 WWW:	http://metaf2xml.sourceforge.net/
Index: pkg-plist
--- pkg-plist	(revision 322708)
+++ pkg-plist	(working copy)
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
 @comment $FreeBSD$
@@ -8,18 +13,28 @@
 @dirrmtry %%DATADIR%%


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