ports/165122: new port: cad/SystemPerl, SystemC perl library

scheidell at FreeBSD.org scheidell at FreeBSD.org
Thu Mar 29 11:25:56 UTC 2012

Synopsis: new port: cad/SystemPerl, SystemC perl library

State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: scheidell
State-Changed-When: Thu Mar 29 11:13:44 UTC 2012
Thank you for submission last month of your new port.
We appreciate your continued support of the FreeBSD operating system, and look forward to being able to commit your port in 
the future.

However, this package, as it is cannot be committed due to several issues that will not be fixed be the volunteer committers.
These include, but are not limited to:
1) you included .svn files in your port
2) you have lots of blank lines in several files
3) you hard coded dynamic paths ( lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1/mach/? )
4) test it against the newest build of port (5.14 and the default 5.12)
5) take out most (if not all) of your shell scripts.  These should be done during install section of Makefile

Please read/then reread the porters handbook, use dynamic variables (hint:  make -V PLIST_SUB, make -V SITE_PERL)

Look at other p5-* prefixed ports for examples.  Join freebsd-ports list, and ask questions.

then re-read the porters handbook one more time.
Then when you think you are finished with testing the port, run portlint -N, then portlint -abt on your port and fix things.
Then join redports, test your port there.

I am closing this pr now because it is too old.  Open a new one.  Most committers with some time to look at pr's only look at 
new pr's.  Assume that they have looked at your pr before, and not taked it on due to some of the above reasons.

Again, join freebsd-ports mailing list and ask lots of questions.  The closer your port it to 'plug and play', the faster you 
will see it adopted by a committer and added to the FreeBSD  ports tree.


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