ports/173393: xfce4 window manager broken

CeDeROM cederom at tlen.pl
Thu Dec 6 17:16:12 UTC 2012

It seems that one of the crashes broke my (ext2) filesystem and caused
corruption beyond e2fsck skills, on a brand new /home and on another
machine (9.1-RC3) Xfce4 works fine, so it was definitely a
configuration problem, not the xfce4 itself...

Sorry for false alert and thank you for your patience and support
Niclas! Yea, I got my Xfce4 again!!! :-)

I have noted some major issues with ext2 and already reported them.
Now definitely switching from Ext2 to UFS2 on storage paritions...

Best regards :-)

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info

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