ports/154911: bogus linux-jdk entry in vuln.xml?

Matthias Andree mandree at FreeBSD.org
Sun Feb 20 18:30:14 UTC 2011

The following reply was made to PR ports/154911; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: "Matthias Andree" <mandree at FreeBSD.org>
To: "Remko Lodder" <remko at FreeBSD.org>, freebsd-gnats-submit at FreeBSD.org
Cc: "Matthias Andree" <mandree at FreeBSD.org>,
        "Simon Nielsen" <simon at FreeBSD.org>, ports-security at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: ports/154911: bogus linux-jdk entry in vuln.xml?
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 19:27:41 +0100

 Remko Lodder, 2011-02-20:
 > The entry has this:
 > 41915       <package>
 > 41916         <name>linux-sun-jdk</name>
 > 41917         <range><le></le></range>
 > 41918         <range><ge>1.5.*</ge><le>,2</le></range>
 > 41919       </package>
 > so it shouldnt block your upgrade.
 > The PKGNAME is:
 > linux-sun-jdk-
 > Which is used to do the matching (linux-sun-jdk being the PKG and
 > being the VERSION).
 > That said; i dont know why this blocks..
 I do now, after hacking vxquery to print matched name + range.
 Read line 41918 again, very closely, and pay attention to PORTEPOCH -
 basically line 41918 marks all versions with PORTEPOCH 0 and 1 vulnerable,
 and all with PORTEPOCH 2 and a version  <=,2. Oops.
 Bottom line: affects elements need to have one line per PORTEPOCH affected
 if there are mulitple package versions in parallel, such as
 linux-sun-jdk15 and linux-sun-jdk16.
 Also note that there should be no versions containing ".*" anywhere
 because we use version comparison, not globbing.
 Matthias Andree

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