ports/146067: [patch] [bsd.port.mk] remove compatibility describe target

Alex Kozlov spam at rm-rf.kiev.ua
Mon Apr 26 18:00:08 UTC 2010

>Number:         146067
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       [patch] [bsd.port.mk] remove compatibility describe target
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Apr 26 18:00:07 UTC 2010
>Originator:     Alex Kozlov
>Release:        RELENG_8
After FreeBSD 6.3 EoL We can remove old describe target.


Patch attached with submission follows:

Index: Mk/bsd.port.mk
@@ -5544,9 +5544,6 @@
 # If this ever changes, portmgr should contact the portsnap maintainer
 # first to avoid gratuitous breakage.
-# XXX Older versions do not support the :u make modifier.  The .else
-# clause can be removed once 6.3-RELEASE is no longer supported.
-.if ${OSVERSION} >= 603104
 . if !target(describe)
 _EXTRACT_DEPENDS=${EXTRACT_DEPENDS:C/^[^ :]+:([^ :]+)(:[^ :]+)?/\1/:O:u}
 _PATCH_DEPENDS=${PATCH_DEPENDS:C/^[^ :]+:([^ :]+)(:[^ :]+)?/\1/:O:u}
@@ -5575,71 +5572,6 @@
 		esac; \
 	done < ${DESCR}; ${ECHO_CMD}
 . endif
-. if !target(describe)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} -n "${PKGNAME}|${.CURDIR}|${PREFIX}|"
-. if defined(COMMENT)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} -n ${COMMENT:Q}
-. else
-	@${ECHO_CMD} -n '** No Description'
-. endif
-	@perl -e ' \
-		if ( -f q{${DESCR}} ) { \
-			print q{|${DESCR}}; \
-		} else { \
-			print q{|/dev/null}; \
-		} \
-		print q{|${MAINTAINER}|${CATEGORIES}|}; \
-		@edirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${EXTRACT_DEPENDS}})); \
-		@pdirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${PATCH_DEPENDS}})); \
-		@fdirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${FETCH_DEPENDS}})); \
-		@bdirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${BUILD_DEPENDS}})); \
-		@rdirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${RUN_DEPENDS}})); \
-		@ldirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${LIB_DEPENDS}})); \
-		for my $$i (\@edirs, \@pdirs, \@fdirs, \@bdirs, \@rdirs, \@ddirs, \@ldirs) { \
-			my @dirs = @$$i; \
-			@$$i = (); \
-			for (@dirs) { \
-				if (-d $$_) { \
-					push @$$i, $$_; \
-				} else { \
-					print STDERR qq{${PKGNAME}: \"$$_\" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete\n}; \
-					exit(1); \
-				} \
-			} \
-		} \
-		for (@edirs, @ddirs) { \
-			$$xe{$$_} = 1; \
-		} \
-		print join(q{ }, sort keys %xe), q{|}; \
-		for (@pdirs, @ddirs) { \
-			$$xp{$$_} = 1; \
-		} \
-		print join(q{ }, sort keys %xp), q{|}; \
-		for (@fdirs, @ddirs) { \
-			$$xf{$$_} = 1; \
-		} \
-		print join(q{ }, sort keys %xf), q{|}; \
-		for (@bdirs, @ddirs, @ldirs) { \
-			$$xb{$$_} = 1; \
-		} \
-		print join(q{ }, sort keys %xb), q{|}; \
-		for (@rdirs, @ddirs, @ldirs) { \
-			$$xr{$$_} = 1; \
-		} \
-		print join(q{ }, sort keys %xr), q{|}; \
-		if (open(DESCR, q{${DESCR}})) { \
-			while (<DESCR>) { \
-				if (/^WWW:\s+(\S+)/) { \
-					print $$1; \
-					last; \
-				} \
-			} \
-		} \
-		print qq{\n};'
-. endif
 .if exists(${DESCR})


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