ports/129282: [vuxml] multimedia/vlc-devel: document CVE-2008-4654 and CVE-2008-4686

Eygene Ryabinkin rea-fbsd at codelabs.ru
Mon Dec 1 12:32:46 UTC 2008

Joseph, good day.

According to Joseph Atkinson:
> This is generally correct. The affected version is NOT 0.9.5
> though.  0.9.5 was the release that addressed the issues. So the
> affected versions are effectively 0.9.0 through 0.9.4. I mentioned
> both of these CVEs in a follow up to ports/128359, which was the
> 0.9.5 submission.

Sure, 0.9.5. is clean from this issue as the VuXML entry suggests:

> FreeBSD moved from 0.9.0-test1 directly to 0.9.5, so it is possible that
> FreeBSD never included an affected version.

As I wrote in the original PR, I had traced this down to
through the vlc-devel port history.

> I can't confirm this at this
> time because of being busy (holidays) and that there is no -test1 marked
> in their git for easy reference. However, I have no objections to
> documenting them to be complete/precise/safe.

-test1 can be downloaded from
Is has the code in question: look at modules/demux/ty.c for the following
  int             i_seq_table_size;   /* number of entries in SEQ table */
  int             i_bits_per_seq_entry; /* # of bits in SEQ table bitmask */
    for (i=0; i<p_sys->i_seq_table_size; i++) {
        stream_Read(p_demux->s, mst_buf, 8 + i_map_size);

> It is also worth noting that 0.9.5 is vulnerable to other issues that
> have already been documented in vulnxml. I mention this to avoid any
> confusion. 0.9.5 is not "clean", it's just not affected by these CVEs
> specifically.

Yes, it is correct.  No one claimed that 0.9.5 is vulnerable: this VuXML
entry meant to document old vulnerabilities that are still valid for the
older port versions.
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