ports/97369: Add to ports/UPDATING Build problem with proftpd and libgnugetopt on 4x machines.

Ion-Mihai IOnut Tetcu itetcu at FreeBSD.org
Wed May 17 08:28:40 UTC 2006

This isn't a fix.

As for a fast work-around please submit a patch to mark the port BROKEN
if that header file is installed. This way the package will be built and
users can pkg_add to install it even if libgnugetopt installed.

The right way would probably be to fix the order of include paths
passed to cc so the base system header it's picked and no the one from
the port.

I will suspend both this and ports/97341 waiting for your patch.

IOnut - Un^d^dregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"
  "Intellectual Property" is   nowhere near as valuable   as "Intellect"

[Doctors and Bartenders], We both get the same two kinds of customers
-- the living and the dying.
		-- Dr. Boyce, "The Menagerie" ("The Cage"), stardate

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