ports/89077: The port lang/ruby18 upgrade to 1.8.3 has a flaw in the file rename function.

Pav Lucistnik pav at FreeBSD.org
Mon Jan 16 01:13:31 UTC 2006

Virgil Champlin píše v ne 15. 01. 2006 v 13:26 -0800:

> No, the problem has returned with ruby 1.8.4.  A review of fileutils.rb 
> shows the original logic remains uncorrected.  A file "mv" that crosses 
> file system boundaries is converted to a "cp" with no concomitant 
> "unlink" of the original file.  Portupgrade will now leave its temporary 
>   directory hanging around if 1) you upgrade/install from a package; and 
> 2) its temporary download directory and /usr/ports/packages are on 
> different file systems.
> Do you have a suggestion how I should pursue this ruby bug?  Thank you 
> very much.  -virgil

You're right - the bug is there. I created a patch that fixes it and
will add it to the port in a moment. I'll also try to push it back to
ruby developers, if I manage to locate their bugzilla or whatever they
do use for this.

Pav Lucistnik <pav at oook.cz>
              <pav at FreeBSD.org>

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