ports/91047: ipsec-tools syslogs at 'daemon.info' which doesn't go anywhere

Brian Candler B.Candler at pobox.com
Thu Dec 29 10:50:17 UTC 2005

>Number:         91047
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       ipsec-tools syslogs at 'daemon.info' which doesn't go anywhere
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Dec 29 10:50:03 GMT 2005
>Originator:     Brian Candler
>Release:        FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE i386


ipsec-tools 0.6.4 from ports

Important error messages are logged at level 'daemon.info'. However the
default /etc/syslog.conf in FreeBSD discards all such messages, and there's
no warning that you need to change anything.

As a result, you get a lot of strange debug messages in /var/log/debug.log,
but not the important messages which tell you the actual problem.


Example: set up racoon with world-read permissions on psk.txt. The only
problem reports you see are cryptic messages in /var/log/debug.log which say

Dec 29 08:36:19 candlerb racoon: DEBUG: an undead schedule has been deleted.
Dec 29 08:36:19 candlerb racoon: DEBUG: ===
Dec 29 08:36:19 candlerb racoon: DEBUG: 68 bytes message received from[500] to[500]
Dec 29 08:36:19 candlerb racoon: DEBUG:  1103a42a 7a3e5e0d 3c390faf 1c8e4a96051 00201 00000000 00000044 4ccc8164 6c301245 fb14f82f 04bceecd 7cdedfba 30c1a596 85cc072e e9c66978 14255c94 67d31786
Dec 29 08:36:19 candlerb racoon: DEBUG: malformed cookie received or the spi expired.

To see the underlying problem you have to run racoon in the foreground (-F)
or change syslog.conf, at which point you see

2005-12-29 09:52:38: ERROR: /usr/local/etc/racoon/psk.txt has weak file permission
2005-12-29 09:52:38: ERROR: failed to open pre_share_key file /usr/local/etc/racoon/psk.txt
2005-12-29 09:52:38: ERROR: couldn't find the pskey for
2005-12-29 09:52:38: ERROR: failed to process packet.
2005-12-29 09:52:38: ERROR: phase1 negotiation failed.
2005-12-29 09:52:38: DEBUG: an undead schedule has been deleted.
2005-12-29 09:52:38: DEBUG: ===
... etc


In plog.c, the syslog messages are mapped as follows:

        { "INFO",               LOG_INFO, },
        { "NOTIFY",             LOG_INFO, },
        { "WARNING",            LOG_INFO, },
        { "ERROR",              LOG_INFO, },
        { "DEBUG",              LOG_DEBUG, },
        { "DEBUG2",             LOG_DEBUG, },

and also the facility is hardcoded to 'daemon':

       openlog(pname, LOG_NDELAY, LOG_DAEMON);

but the default /etc/syslog.conf does not match daemon.info at all:

*.notice;authpriv.none;kern.debug;lpr.info;mail.crit;news.err	/var/log/messages
security.*					/var/log/security
auth.info;authpriv.info				/var/log/auth.log
mail.info					/var/log/maillog
lpr.info					/var/log/lpd-errs
ftp.info					/var/log/xferlog

So some solutions might be:

(1) Patch racoon to change LOG_INFO to LOG_NOTICE or above

(2) Patch racoon to change LOG_DAEMON to LOG_SECURITY

(3) Change the base system syslog.conf to include

daemon.info					/var/log/daemon

(4) The port postinstall script to add a line like the above to syslog.conf
if required

(5) Install /usr/local/share/doc/ipsec-tools/README.syslog documenting this
problem, and include a big asterisked warning in pkg-descr and display it
at port install time

Choice between these five bikesheds is left to the reader, but I don't think
the current situation is desirable.

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