make index fails

Support-IK ik at
Mon Sep 27 01:19:32 UTC 2004

Hello guys,

for first I want to tell you thanks for great work that you do.

My problem description:
I've fetch (using the cvsup command) the ports tree from the several days ago (5 or may be 7). Please note, in the 
my sup file the line that describes ports fetching is the "doc-all 
tag=.", so I've fetched a full ports tree. Also cvsup has been finished 
with no errors or warning messages.
When I've tried to do make index in the ports directory it fails with 
the error meassages such as:
netsaint-plugins- "/usr/ports/net/net-snmp" non-existent -- 
dependency list incomplete
===> net-mgmt/netsaint-plugins failed
*** Error code 1

There were several messages I received, here I've mentioned only 1, 
other were a same, only the pathes and port names were different.
It looks like these port maintainers do not update their ports after 
breaking the net directory to the net and net-mgmt and removing the 
openldap12 port from the tree. This changes should be in the old, rare 
using ports so may be nobody maintain their already.

After fixing this problem for my ports tree I've made the patch that 
doing all changes automatically. I've attach it into this email, so you 
can investigate it, an if it will be useful for you, you can commit it 
in the ports tree to resolve this issue.

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