ports/64729: Update port: net-mgmt/sdig 0.30->0.40

Mark Linimon linimon at FreeBSD.org
Fri Mar 26 19:15:45 UTC 2004

Synopsis: Update port: net-mgmt/sdig 0.30->0.40

State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: linimon
State-Changed-When: Fri Mar 26 11:12:10 PST 2004
Since the port that this attempts to update has not yet been committed
(IIUC, that is ports/64728 which is only a few hours old?), could you
consider just posting a followup to 64278 with the new sharfile in it?
In this way, the ports committers can avoid having to commit the port
twice.  Thanks.

A further note: it does take some time to get new port submissions
processed: there is a backlog of over 100 and each one needs to be
checked by a committer to verify that it will install and build for
the larger user community.  Thanks.


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