ports/62978: Maintainer update: net/straw 0.21.1 -> 0.22
Jeremy Messenger
mezz7 at cox.net
Tue Feb 17 20:40:13 UTC 2004
The following reply was made to PR ports/62978; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: Jeremy Messenger <mezz7 at cox.net>
To: freebsd-gnats-submit at FreeBSD.org, mezz7 at cox.net
Subject: Re: ports/62978: Maintainer update: net/straw 0.21.1 -> 0.22
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 14:34:27 -0600
Oh dear, before you commit the correct attach/diff.. Please be sure to do
s/py-gnome2/pygnome2/g before you commit it. Thanks!
bsdforums.org 's moderator, mezz.
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