ports/62592: COMMENT for x11/kdelibs3 starts with 'This is the'

Michael Nottebrock michaelnottebrock at gmx.net
Mon Feb 9 15:50:18 UTC 2004

The following reply was made to PR ports/62592; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Michael Nottebrock <michaelnottebrock at gmx.net>
To: freebsd-gnats-submit at FreeBSD.org, znerd at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: ports/62592: COMMENT for x11/kdelibs3 starts with 'This is the'
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 16:46:18 +0100

 Jesus. Okay, here's a deal, you change the COMMENT in your jboss2 & jboss3 
 ports to not gratuitously repeat the portname, I change the COMMENT in 
 kdelibs. :-)

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