ports/56503: net/limewire has outdated distinfo?

Fernan Aguero fernan at iib.unsam.edu.ar
Mon Sep 8 17:34:57 UTC 2003

+----[ Edwin Groothuis <edwin at FreeBSD.org> (08.Sep.2003 06:25):
| Synopsis: net/limewire has outdated distinfo?
| State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
| State-Changed-By: edwin
| State-Changed-When: Mon Sep 8 02:21:18 PDT 2003
| State-Changed-Why: 
| If possible, please send patches and inform the maintainer so we
| can fix this!
| http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=56503


Pardon me, but I've CCed the maintainer (mkm at ieee.org), and
I've also tried to update the port to the latest version.
Since the port uses Java, and it really beats my knowledge
on how to tweak classpaths and java stuff, I couldn't do
much ... I still think that this goes to the 'if possible
...' side of things.

But, still, the port is broken as it is now, since the
tarball that will be fetched corresponds to the latest
version (the fetched file is always LimeWireLinux.tgz, no
matter what PORTVERSION says), and will fail on the checksum

So, do you think that just closing the PR on the basis of a
missing fix is the way to go?


F e r n a n   A g u e r o

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