pkg base conflict (TrueOS)

Ken Moore ken at
Tue Apr 25 12:17:58 UTC 2017

Hey everyone, just wanted you all to know we just spotted another couple 
base packages which conflict with each other:

"FreeBSD-runtime-manuals" conflicts with "FreeBSD-bsnmp". 
Not a huge deal, but I was trying to track down why some man pages were not 
installed on my system (the "heir" page in particular) and discovered this 
little gem.

Details from pkg below:
[kenmoore at MistWraith] ~% sudo pkg install FreeBSD-runtime-manuals
Updating trueos-base repository catalogue...
trueos-base repository is up to date.
Updating trueos-major repository catalogue...
trueos-major repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
        FreeBSD-runtime-manuals: 12.0.s20170417191621 [trueos-base]

Number of packages to be installed: 1

The process will require 3 MiB more space.
3 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
[1/1] Fetching FreeBSD-runtime-manuals-12.0.s20170417191621.txz: 100%    3 
MiB   1.5MB/s    00:02    
Checking integrity... done (1 conflicting)
  - FreeBSD-runtime-manuals-12.0.s20170417191621 [trueos-base] conflicts 
with FreeBSD-bsnmp-12.0.s20170417191621 [installed] on 
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Conflicts with the existing packages have been found.
One more solver iteration is needed to resolve them.
The following 9 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

Installed packages to be REMOVED:

New packages to be INSTALLED:
        FreeBSD-runtime-manuals: 12.0.s20170417191621 [trueos-base]

Number of packages to be removed: 8
Number of packages to be installed: 1


~~ Ken Moore ~~

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