Not sure this is as helpful as it could? False negatives…?

Paul Beard paulbeard at
Sun Feb 28 19:51:45 UTC 2016

When I run portmaster or portupgrade I run pkg check -Bdrs to make sure
things are copacetic. 

So I get this message. 

Checking all packages: 100%
gtk-update-icon-cache has require a missing libraries:
gtk2 has require a missing libraries:
gutenprint-base has require a missing libraries:

So what and where is that? 

# locate

The last -two- three seem like they should be OK: 

pkg which /usr/local/lib/*        
/usr/local/lib/ was installed by package
/usr/local/lib/ was installed by package
/usr/local/lib/ was installed by package

Not sure why pkg check isn’t picking that up. I can deinstall/reinstall
those ports and the error remains. Everything seems to work but it would
be nice if I didn’t have these nagging doubts that something was broken. 

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