NAT'ing same IP spaces

Paul.Pathiakis at Paul.Pathiakis at
Tue Feb 7 12:12:57 UTC 2017


I have two sites, A and B, one is a mirror of the other.  They have all the same machines as their counterparts in the other site.  They are in the 10.10.10.x/24 address space

I have a new repository machine that needs to get backups from all the machines in both networks despite having the same IPs.

One set connects to a switch on a 10.10.2.x/24 space and the other a 10.10.4.x/24 space on VLAN(s) on a switch.  There are some strange gyrations that people go through to PXEboot any of the machines with a DHCP to get an address on the 10.10.2/24 or 10.10.4/24 and access things through the switch.

I'm trying to think of a simple way with NAT and rdr to get the repository to accept connections from a machine placed anywhere external to both sites and be able to send a restore to the proper machine in either of the networks.

None of the existing machines in either site can be modified by adding/changing firewall settings or implementing NAT

More detail... site A on needs to be backed up via 10.10.2/24 as does in Site B but on 10.10.4/24.

They need to talk to the repository.  At one point, someone may need to restore.  How can I differentiate between the machines in the two networks that have the same IP?  I can place the repository machine anywhere in the network but not in the sites themselves.

Do I need multiple machines?  Should I just have multiple cards on the repository machine?

Thank you!


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