peer address over pf rdr

Radek Krejča radek.krejca at
Thu Apr 18 07:11:35 UTC 2013


I need to get in some cases ip address of our customer over nat to my www page (eg. for stopping spam and give our customer info). I wrote daemon which listen on port where is traffic of our customers redirected (this is my testing rule):

rdr proto tcp from to any port 8009 -> port 9000

On port 9000 liste my daemon which get ip address with this function:

int Getpeerinfo (int sock,char **IP)
   struct sockaddr_in peer;
   int porto;
   socklen_t peer_len;
   peer_len = sizeof(peer);
   if (getpeername(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&peer, &peer_len) == -1) {
      error("getpeername() failed");
      return -1;

    *IP= (char *)malloc(strlen((char *)(inet_ntoa(peer.sin_addr))) + 1);
    strcpy(*IP,(char *)(inet_ntoa(peer.sin_addr)));
 return 0 ;

If I connect to port 9000 directly, I got right ip address, but over redirect in pf is result empty. It looks that pf destroy this information or is my idea wrong?

Thank you


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