Large table issue

Richard Brendörfer neamtu at
Wed May 18 13:12:18 UTC 2011

Look what I found:

One side note: It might occur that PF states: "Cannot allocate memory", in
which case the table is too big to fit in memory.
The problem is that FreeBSD has a limit on the maximum size a program may be
in memory. This is by default 524288 kB.

One can obtain this and other limits by entering (values in kB):

In sh:

*# ulimit -a*

In tcsh:

*# limits*

To resolv the problem, simply edit /boot/defaults/loader.conf.
Find the following line under the "Kernel tunables" section:
 #kern.maxdsiz=""       # Set the max data size

And change it into (values in bytes):
 kern.maxdsiz="1073741824"       # Set the max data size (IN BYTES)

Changes made to /boot/defaults/loader.conf will be effective after

On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 4:00 PM, quentin.narvor <
quentin.narvor at> wrote:

> On Wed, 18 May 2011 15:34:49 +0300, Richard Brendörfer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> try with _set limit table-entries number_ in pf.vonf or split you
>> table in 2 or 3 tables.
>>  Hi,
> I forgot to say that I have already set this option to 3000000 in my
> pf.conf.
> I have tried to split the table in smaller pieces (~450000 entries in each
> table) but the command "pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf" gives me the same memory
> issue when loading the third table.
> I don't know the precise number but it seems that there is a limit near
> 1000000 entries for the sum of all tables, even with the limit table-entries
> set to 3000000.
>  On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 2:03 PM, quentin.narvor  wrote:
>>  I am trying to detect problems on hosts in my network : I want to
>>> detect when a communication occurs with a compromised host.
>>> I have built a blacklist which holds near 2 millions ip (spam,
>>> malware.... hosts).
>>> But I can't load it into pf, I get this when I try :
>>>     /etc/pf.conf:6: cannot define table bl: Cannot allocate
>>> memory
>>>     pfctl: Syntax error in config file: pf rules not loaded
>>> I suspect there is a memory limitation somewhere (in the kernel ??)
>>> which prevent me from loading the table but I am not very
>>> comfortable with kernel variables.
>>> I have already try modifying kern.maxssiz and kern.dflsiz without
>>> success.
>>> Any idea?
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