ALTQ & Multiple Connections

Lance Murdock lance at
Wed Sep 3 02:27:46 UTC 2008


I have two Internet connections on my firewall, and a busy web server.  
They are both "burstable" connections, where the commit rate is much 
lower than the maximum connection speed.  I pay a flat rate
up to the commit rate, but If I go over, I get charged per mbit.

One of the connections' overage rate is a lot cheaper than the other.
So, what I would like to do is fill up the first connection right up to 
its commit rate and then dump all remaining traffic to the second 
connection, thus guaranteeing myself the cheapest bill at the end of
the month.

With ALTQ, I can see how to limit outgoing bandwidth by dropping packets,
but I don't want to drop the packets, I want to force them out the
other interface, as I might with pf's route-to.

Is this possible with pf and ALTQ?


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