nat pass and state

Jason C. Wells jcw at
Wed May 21 01:54:28 UTC 2008

I have these rules (and others) in pf.conf:

nat pass on $ext_if from $int_net to any -> ($ext_if)

block in all
block out all

I cannot connect to websites unless I also add:

pass proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port http keep state

My understanding is that nat rules are inherently stateful.  I also 
understand that a packet that matches state bypasses filter rules.  A 
hit on a web page should generate a state on the way out and then match 
that state on the way back in, avoiding the block rules.  By testing, I 
show that the pass http rule is needed to complete the connection.

Would someone please explain why the nat rule is not sufficient to allow 
me to access a web page?  I must have a gross conceptual error on how PF 
works.  This is too simple, but I just don't get it.


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