Limiting bandwidth

Jille jille at
Wed Aug 20 13:42:06 UTC 2008

Erik Danielsson wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using PF together with ALTQ, but my need of limiting bandwidth has
> changed. I need to be able to limit the bandwidth from/to a certain IP
> range, but only once a specific amount of data has been transferred from/to
> that IP range. At midnight I want the counter to be reset, and everything
> should start over.
> For example, I want to allow, let's say 10 GiB from e.g, and
> once the 10GiB limit has been reached, I want to limit the bandwidth to xx
> kbits/s until midnight.
> Any ideas how to accomplish this, can it be done using PF and ALTQ?
afaik, you can only limit the bandwith with pf/altq and not count the 
total usage, and use that in rules.
The best you can do (I think), is let pf create stats of the used 
bandwidth, and let some script check whether they reached the 10GiB 
limit, and if so add that rule to a table that limits bandwith.
and a script that resets the counters at midmight and flush the table.

-- Jille
> Regards
> Erik Danielsson
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