cbq: adds red by default?

Volker volker at vwsoft.com
Mon Jun 4 10:51:37 UTC 2007

On 06/04/07 00:23, B. Cook wrote:
> I am trying to create rules to filter traffic up and down for the place
> where I work.
> My syntax seems to be correct, as they pass pfctl -vvvvvnf , but after
> looking at the rules I wrote, and what pf will interpret them as; I am a
> little confused.
> on my children queue's most of them are set to borrow and to do ecn.  As
> most of my machines are newer FreeBSD 6.2 machines, and a random
> sprinkling of Linux machines.  I can not find specific documentation that
> says that FreeBSD 6.2 supports ecn, I am hoping that it does.
> what I see when I look at the commands parsed by pfctl is that where I wrote:
> cbq(ecn borrow)
> that it has replaced it with:
> cbq( red ecn borrow )
> and I can not find things in the pf.conf man page telling me why it does
> that :)

cite from pf.conf(5):

     ecn         Enables ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) on
		this queue. ECN implies RED.



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