displaying rule labels in pf logs

snowcrash schneecrash+pf at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 16:14:03 UTC 2007

hi max,

> A small awk/perl/python/ruby/...-filter should get you running.  Simply
> suck in "pfctl -vvsr" output and build an associative array rule# ->
> label and then just search and replace.

that's an alternative.  i'll have to figure out how with which script
lang (for lowest overhead on an embedded box ...).


> > is there an existing 'native' option to do so already 'in' pf+tcpdump?
> No there isn't - and I don't think we will implement it either.  The
> information can easily be obtained if the corresponding ruleset is
> available and copying 64 byte additional information is a significant
> overhead.  As variable size headers are somewhat tricky, I'm afraid this
> is a no-go - sorry.

shame.  i certainly can't speak to the performance/tech issue you
raise, but, this (human-readable labels in my logs) is one of the very
few things i *do* miss from the 'old' iptables-based solutions i
migrated away from ...

the script should be an alternative.

thanks again.

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