Possible to use RBLDNSD data with SPAMD+PF integration?

Jay Sibbald jay.sibbald at gmail.com
Sun Apr 8 17:56:45 UTC 2007


I've successfully installed PF on FreeBSD 6.2 RELEASE.

Following notes at benzedrine.cx, SPAMD & RELAYDB are also installed.

I understand how to have SPAMD use available CIDR lists -- external
http-accessible, local file-based, and those created by RELAYDB.

I also have BIND9 & RBLDNSD running locally.  Using them, I've published a
local blacklist, "black.domain.rbl", composed of an aggregate of a bunch of
sources, that responds correctly to DNS queries.

Can SPAMD use the data available via the "black.domain.rbl" list?  It's NOT
in the required list format -- If I unuderstand correctly, it doesn't even
exist as a single file.  Rather it's a 'virtual' list, creted by RBLDNSD.

I'd like to have only ONE instance of the data in "black.domain.rbl" lying
around, and have the SPAMD -> SPAMD-SETUP -> PF integration "use" it.

I'm just not clear on how.

Any ideas or suggestions?



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