pf altq not showing root traffic

Bill Marquette bill.marquette at
Sun Oct 29 15:01:19 UTC 2006

On 10/29/06, Gloomy Group <gloomygroup at> wrote:
> Heloo bill
> Can you point me what's wrong in my configuration. As I want to graph total
> bandwidth and each client individual bandwidth. But as there is any traffic
> in root queue I can't view the actuall total traffic of all clients.
> Can you guide me what's wrong here?

You'll need to parse the pfctl -vvsq output yourself and tally up the
bandwidth in use per queue.  pf doesn't roll those figures up and
apply to the parent queue in a queue tree (since you can usually
assign traffic to those queues, it could be confusing to see the child
bandwidth applied to it also).


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