promt solution with max-src-conn-rate

GreenX FreeBSD freebsd at
Mon May 15 12:28:10 UTC 2006

Kian Mohageri пишет:
> you're probably trying to use this on a port where nothing is listening.
Yes, I understand it, and I about it have written in my letter.
I think above that how to make so that worked on not listening port.
It is possible certainly, simply to redirect on any something responding 
But for this purpose foreign service is besides necessary.
> I'd advise against what you're trying to do. It won't make your box 
> more secure.
Simply so, on ssh you will not come any more.
If I am not mistaken, probability of that the scanner will begin the 
check with "key" port,
and further at once will check up sshd is equal - 1 / (0xFFFF*0xFFFE).
If he will not make itthis, he can be caught on max-src-conn-rate 
concerning public services,
and to put for his forward from all ports on ssh localhost.

Best regards, GreenX.

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