Borrowing and priority not working

Marko Lerota mlerota at
Mon Dec 11 07:56:03 PST 2006

I have setup like this 

altq on $int_if cbq bandwidth 1024Kb queue { def, developers, marketing }
queue def bandwidth 100Kb cbq(default)
queue developers bandwidth 850Kb priority 6
queue marketing  bandwidth 50Kb  priority 1 cbq(borrow)

If only marketing is using all available bandwidth it's OK, 
but when developers want to use some, priority and borrowing 
doesn't work. The bandwidth is split in two ways
developers 500Kb
marketing  500Kb 

Why marketing didn't slow to 50Kb? 

I want all them to have all the bandwidth but in case of using 100% 
of the link, I want marketing to have only 50Kb reserved. 
Is it possible to do so?

One cannot sell the earth upon which the people walk
                               			Tacunka Witco 

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