
Gergely CZUCZY phoemix at
Fri Aug 25 15:11:36 UTC 2006

On Fri, Aug 25, 2006 at 12:01:26PM -0300, Bruno Bandeira wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> I am newbie in pf world, so i need to put my network to access internet ....
> My gateway is a freebsd machine, and i have a few questions... PS: I have
> read the manual =)
also read this:

> I need to nat my network.How can i do this? I try this..
> nat on $ext_if from $rede to any -> ($ext_if)
let's parse this:
+nat: this means, you will perform a NAT action, Network Address Translation
+on $ext_if: on those packets which arrive on your $ext_if to your machine
+from $rede: from the source of $rede (it's usually a CIDR)
+to any: they go to anywhere, aka 0/0
+-> ($ext_if): after translation they will have the address of the interface $ext_if

hint: check the "on" part of the rule

> My default policy is:
> block in all
> And the statefull spection
> pass out keep state
that looks good. also read the faq, there are examples for this IIRC.


Gergely Czuczy
mailto: gergely.czuczy at

Weenies test. Geniuses solve problems that arise.
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