How To Track Down a CIDR (slightly OT)

Chris Buechler cbuechler at
Wed Aug 23 17:02:30 UTC 2006

On 8/23/06, beno <zope at> wrote:
> Since I'm here at said café, this is my
> current address:
> *
> *I went to and searched it, but that didn't provide anything
> interesting that I could see. It says "Allocated Unspecified" and "This
> country is really worldwide." Any ideas?

That's LANIC IP space, not RIPE.  Though RIPE should have pointed you
to LANIC, IMO, they don't.  They show what you see for any IP space
that isn't under their control.  I'd recommend starting your searches
with ARIN, as they'll point you to the right place for any IP space
that's outside their control.


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