Syntax Error

beno - purabachata at
Fri Aug 18 18:42:17 UTC 2006


Max Laier <max at> wrote:> > 5. http_ports="80 8080 7080"
> > 6. ssh_ports="22"
> > 7. ftp_ports="21 8021 7021"
> > 8. smtp_ports="25"
> > 9. pop3_ports="110"
> > 10. https_ports="443"
> > 11. imap_ssl_ports="993 143"
> > 12. squid_ports="3128"
> > 13. mysql_ports="3306"
> > 14. email_ports="{" $smtp_ports $pop3_ports "}"
> > 15. all_http_ports="{" $http_ports $https_ports "}"
> > 16. tcp_ports= "{" $ssh_ports $ftp_ports $all_http_ports
> > $imap_ssl_ports "}"
> I don't think you can  put a list inside of another list.

You most certainly can nest lists. It works in several examples above. For some reason--and I would like to know that reason--it doesn't work in line #16. Please help.

That's a well-known problem in the pfctl-parser.  Patches have been 
proposed but never made it to the tree - afaik.  Look in the archives of 
this and the original ML for reasons and detailed discussion.

In other words, using CIDR blocks in nested lists doesn't work? I'll research that. I hope there's a work-around!

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