What Do These Devices Do?

Jeremy C. Reed reed at reedmedia.net
Fri Aug 11 23:58:18 UTC 2006

On Fri, 11 Aug 2006, beno wrote:

> I'm following a great tutorial on how to build strong and safe IPFilters.
> However, I don't have the same devices in my box that it references, and I
> don't know what my devices do, so I can't write my rules yet. Please tell me
> what these guys do (what packets they receive or send, etc.):
> vr0

vr0 is probably your network card, like a D-Link or VIA Rhine Ethernet.

> plip0

IP over parallel line. Rarely used.

> lo0

This is your loopback interface, such as

"ifconfig -a" should tell you about your interfaces.

And use "netstat -bi" to see if they are used too.

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