Spoofers, Spammers & Other Bad Guys

Greg Hennessy Greg.Hennessy at nviz.net
Fri Aug 11 08:20:04 UTC 2006

> Hi;
> I'm configuring my firewall and I'd like to make a table of 
> "bad guys", preferably one that automatically updates from 
> the Web. 

As long as you run a default block policy, maintaining an ever growing list
of what are most likely dhcp assigned addresses is a complete waste of time
and a nightmare to maintain. 

Spammers can be dealt with in number of ways....

Killing incoming 25/tcp from cidr blocks assigned to various parts of APNIC
and other registries. Much easier and far less hassle than blocking
individual addresses. 

Using spamd with graylisting. 

> Surely someone else has already thought of this and 
> implemented something similar, so could someone clue me in?

Who/what are you trying to block exactly ? Anti spoofing comes as part of a
properly written block policy. 

> Also, where do I find a list of devices (lo, fxp0, etc.) in my box?

~# ifconfig -a


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