Spoofers, Spammers & Other Bad Guys

Gergely CZUCZY phoemix at harmless.hu
Fri Aug 11 07:51:20 UTC 2006

On Fri, Aug 11, 2006 at 03:48:55AM -0400, beno wrote:
> Hi;
> I'm configuring my firewall and I'd like to make a table of "bad guys",
> preferably one that automatically updates from the Web. Surely someone
> else has already thought of this and implemented something similar, so
> could someone clue me in?
man pf (look at the API)

i suggest tables for you

> Also, where do I find a list of devices (lo, fxp0, etc.) in my box?
> TIA,
ifconfig, dmesg


Gergely Czuczy
mailto: gergely.czuczy at harmless.hu
PGP: http://phoemix.harmless.hu/phoemix.pgp

Weenies test. Geniuses solve problems that arise.
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