I'm getting sick - Problems filtering IPv6.

Frank Steinborn steinex at nognu.de
Wed Aug 2 14:21:34 UTC 2006

Max Laier wrote:
> >
> > Hello Max,
> >
> > a state is created, yes:
> >
> > self tcp 2001:1638:17ad::3[53] <- 2001:1638:17ad::3[62810]
> >    [342525613 + 65536](+2469478632) wscale 1  [3355548528 +
> > 65537](+82545723) wscale 1
> >    [1845438366 + 4880](+1776883750)  [3423429433 + 65535](+3331864375)
> >    age 00:37:53, expires in 00:00:59, 2204:15980 pkts, 107106:2269450
> > bytes
> >    age 01:22:57, expires in 00:01:00, 5472:42944 pkts, 324485:6199453
> > bytes
> >    age 02:00:22, expires in 00:00:59, 11249:53620 pkts, 967458:7637333
> > bytes
> >
> >
> > Strange thing :-(
> Indeed, and far from what I expected to see.  These states exist for a long 
> time and have seen lots of packets in both directions.  Are you sure you 
> copied the right counters for that state?  Can you please enable extended 
> logging with "pfctl -x misc" and report any related messages from console.  
> Also, please recheck pfctl -vss for the right state counters.  I do get this 
> right, the "telnet 2001:1638:17ad::3 53" stalled right away?

You are correct, I probably tried to many telnets so that states are
left. I did it again, and here is the state from the telnet:

self tcp 2001:1638:17ad::3[53] <- 2001:1638:17ad::3[59655]
    [2728554970 + 65536](+2360520929) wscale 1  [1947983223 +
65537](+3290820275) wscale 1
    age 00:00:02, expires in 00:00:28, 1:1 pkts, 84:84 bytes, rule 45

There is nothing logged on the console due to pfctl -x misc, so i
tried pfctl -x loud. However, the only thing i see are some

"fingerprinted  8576:118:0:48:403 (4)
(TS=,M=536,W=0)" (IP's vary, of course, can't find v6 however)


"osfp no match against 3400000".

But i guess that's not important here.

And yes, you got it right - if I "telnet 2001:1638:17ad::3 53" it just
stalls and times out after some time (even when i try block-policy
return). But only on the box itself where pf and named is running,
other boxes can access it fine.


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