synproxy and states

Jon Simola jsimola at
Thu Jun 16 19:38:54 GMT 2005

On 6/16/05, Andy Hilker <ah at> wrote:

> pass in log quick               proto tcp from x.x.x.x to <public_www> port { 80,443 }  flags S/SA synproxy state

I've used this a couple times to stop infected clients without totally
locking them out:
pass in quick on vlan130 proto tcp from x.x.x.174 to any synproxy state

> ---internet------ fxp0-(box with pf)-em1 --- (webserver)

If that's a bridge config, synproxy will not work. It's not possible
to tell from the documentation you provided.

Jon Simola
Systems Administrator
ABC Communications

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