unable to SSH using Net::SSH::Perl

Michael Vince mv at thebeastie.org
Tue Apr 11 04:42:25 UTC 2006

Ashok Shrestha wrote:

>Hi all,
>System Info:
>I'm trying to use Net::SSH::Perl to connect to an SSH server.
>Here is the script:
>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
># test.pl
>    use Net::SSH::Perl;
>    my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new("", 'debug' => '1');
>    $ssh->login("username", "password");
>Here is my error:
> ./test.pl
> Trying pubkey authentication with key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
> Authentication methods that can continue: publickey,keyboard-interactive.
> Next method to try is publickey.
> Permission denied at ./test_SSH.pl line 8
It looks like its trying to revert to public key authentication but is 
probably getting stuck because you don't have ssh-agent loaded to 
provide a private key, you could use a passphraseless key or you could 
load up a ssh-agent to provide the key.
I tried your code and the wrong password but it worked anyway simply 
because I have ssh-agent loaded with my pass phrase.
A alternative answer is that your trying to login as root and your 
remote ssh server is in its default configuration which is to deny root 


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