FreeBSD port of SpamAssassin 3.0.0 (continued)

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Sat Sep 25 10:29:51 PDT 2004

+-le 25/09/2004 13:21 -0400, Dan Mahoney, System Admin écrivait :
| On Sat, 25 Sep 2004, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
| Does this mean we're going to get/need a port in for the IP::Country::Fast
| module?  I can create it if you like.
| (I haven't been able to find a useful documentation on creating a port 00
| is there one?)

I can add it, not a problem, I'll have a look at this on Monday.

| A menu-based config (like the one for the mod_php) port would probably be
| useful as well, to enable things like SSL, and database support.

SSL is the only thing you need to have to get compiled in, so I'll had some
kind of WITH_SSL thing.
Database support is enabled if you enable it in the config, and if you want
to enable it, you're surely already have DBI and the appropriate DBD modules,
and I'm not going to add cases for all DBD:: Modules we have in the tree.

| -Dan
|> +-le 25/09/2004 02:20 -0700, Pat Lashley écrivait :
|> | --On Saturday, September 25, 2004 08:59:03 +0200 Mathieu Arnold
|> | <mat at> wrote:
|> | 
|> |> +-Le 24/09/2004 18:20 -0700, Pat Lashley a dit :
|> |>| SA 3.0 should probably be a separate port rather than an update
|> |>| to the existing SA port; due to the lack of backwards compatability
|> |>| in the API.  For example, it would break the Exim port which by
|> |>| default includes the ExiScan patches.  (The Exim port would still
|> |>| build; but the SpamAssassin support would fail at run time.)
|> |> 
|> |> I don't think we will keep the old spamassassin. The 2.64 version will
|> |> be the only one working with 5.005_03, but well... It's not possible to
|> |> have SA3 work with 5.005_03 (believe me, I tried).
|> |> So, a few days before committing the SA3 update, I'll send a mail with
|> |> the patch I plan to commit to maintainers of ports depending on SA264
|> |> for them to update/patch/whatever.
|> | 
|> | That seems like an awfully short transition period.  Why not
|> | a separate 3.0 port for a while; with the old one being deprecated?
|> | Then remove the 2.64 port once the dependant ports have been updated
|> | and in the field long enough for some serious testing?
|> I don't want to have a SA3 port, I'm more in favor of a SA264 port designed
|> for perl 5.005_03 as the databases/p5-DBI-137 port. This is still under
|> discussion.
|> --
|> Mathieu Arnold
| --
| "We need another cat.  This one's retarded."
| -Cali, March 8, 2003 (3:43 AM)
| --------Dan Mahoney--------
| Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
| Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
| ICQ: 13735144   AIM: LarpGM
| Site:
| ---------------------------

Mathieu Arnold

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