LLVM/CLANG and several OpenCL projects: FreeBSD or any *BSD developer involved?

Eduardo Morras nec556 at retena.com
Mon Oct 24 10:44:22 UTC 2011

At 12:21 24/10/2011, Ivan Voras wrote:
>On 21/10/2011 08:30, Hartmann, O. wrote:
> > As I'm not a developer, but for scientific purposes highly interested in
> > using GPUs, the only way of doing HPC computing at the moment is with
> > nVidias TESLA/nVidia consumer graphics cards and LINUX, since on Linux
> > one willing to use the GPU has the necessary libraries, driver and
> > compilers.
>Drivers are still a big problem on FreeBSD. AFAIK neither NVIDIA nor ATI
>supply GPGPU-enabled drivers for FreeBSD. If this problem were solved, I
>think that most of other utilities would mostly "just work" using
>standard interfaces like OpenCL.

Nvidia freebsd driver has cuda enabled. But you need the sdk to 
compiled c/cuda to lowlevel cuda/asm (don't remember name now) that 
driver executes on the gpu. Afaik nvidia freebsd driver hasn't opencl 
support but this knowledge comes from "i don't use (tm)" opencl, so i 
maybe wrong. The sdk works for Windows, Linux and MacOSX. ATI has 
retired ati-stream and ati-tometal languages and support opencl in 
windows and linux using a llvm private compiler.

Some days ago, a llvm opencl opensource project started (ati's one is 
not opensource)

  http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/llvmdev/2011-October/044266.html and

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