Cached file read performance

Mark Kirkwood markir at
Tue Dec 26 23:00:11 PST 2006

David Xu wrote:
> Mark Kirkwood wrote:
>> (snippage) I used the attached program to read a cached 
>> 781MB file sequentially and randomly with a specified block size (see 
>> below). The conclusion I came to was that our (i.e FreeBSD) cached 
>> read performance (particularly for smaller block sizes) could perhaps 
>> be improved...

> I suspect in such a test, memory copying speed will be a key factor,
> I don't have number to back up my idea, but I think Linux has lots
> of tweaks, such as using MMX instruction to copy data.

Thought it would be good to test this too:

I used the small program (see below) to test memcpy'ing 50000 8192 byte 
chunks on both systems:

Gentoo (2.6.18):

$ ./memcpytest 8192 50000
50000 malloc in 0.5367s
50000 memcpy of 8192 byte blocks in 1.0887s

FreeBSD (6.2-PRE Nov 27):

$ ./memcpytest 8192 50000
50000 malloc in 0.1469s
50000 memcpy of 8192 byte blocks in 1.3599s

So we are a little slower (factor of 1.24) on the memcpy, this I guess 
contributes a *little* to us being slower with the cached reads, but is 
consistent with Bruce's findings of the cache design itself being the 
major factor!

One nice point to notice is that our malloc is substantially faster 
(~3.6 times for this test). These results were readily repeatable with 
minimal variation.



P.s: I've included the program in-line below, as the attachment stripper 
for this list seems to be real aggressive :-)


  * memcpytest.c: Attempt to measure performance of memcpy.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

main(int argc, char **argv) {

     int             blocksz;                /* The block size to copy. */
     int             numblocks;              /* How many copies to do. */

     char            *buf;                   /* Input buffer. */
     typedef         struct  _BlockArray {
         char        *blockentry;
     } BlockArray;
     BlockArray      *blockarray;            /* Array of block entry 
ptrs. */
     int             i;
     struct          timeval starttp, endtp, elapsedtp;
     double          elapsed;

     if (argc != 3) {
         printf("usage %s blocksize num_blocks\n",
     } else {
         blocksz = atoi(argv[1]);
         numblocks = atoi(argv[2]);

     /* Start timing setup. */
     gettimeofday(&starttp, NULL);

     /* Allocate source buffer and initialize to something trivial. */
     buf = (char *) malloc(blocksz);
     if (buf == NULL) {
         printf("out of memory initializing source buffer!\n");
     memset(buf, 1, blocksz);

     /* Allocate destination array of buffer pointers. */
     blockarray  = malloc(numblocks * sizeof(blockarray));
     if (blockarray == NULL) {
         printf("out of memory initializing destination array!\n");
     }    /* Allocate a block entry for each element of blockarray. */
     for (i = 0; i < numblocks; i++) {
         blockarray[i].blockentry = malloc(blocksz);
         if (blockarray[i].blockentry == NULL) {
             printf("out of memory initializing destination array 

     gettimeofday(&endtp, NULL);
     timersub(&endtp, &starttp, &elapsedtp);
     elapsed = (double)elapsedtp.tv_sec + 

     printf("%d malloc in %.4fs\n", numblocks, elapsed);

     /* Start timing copy now. */
     gettimeofday(&starttp, NULL);

     /* Perform the copy. */
     for (i = 0; i < numblocks; i++) {
         memcpy((void *)blockarray[i].blockentry, (void *)buf, blocksz);

     gettimeofday(&endtp, NULL);
     timersub(&endtp, &starttp, &elapsedtp);
     elapsed = (double)elapsedtp.tv_sec + 

     printf("%d memcpy of %d byte blocks in %.4fs\n",
             numblocks, blocksz, elapsed);

     for (i = 0; i < numblocks; i++) {



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