3Ware 7500-4 Slow

Achim Patzner ap at bnc.net
Fri Sep 23 00:05:23 PDT 2005

Am 23.09.2005 um 05:05 schrieb Chuck Swiger:
>> I have been trying to convince the "powers that be" that SCSI  
>> would be much better.. but the price difference is just too  
>> astronomical for the capacities we need (500GB to 2 TB)
>> Even 10K RPM IDE drives seem like would be a problem since they  
>> are mostly small in size.
> Ten 72's would be in the right ballpark, that's about $2000.  Ten  
> of the cheapest reasonable 80GB ATA drives would be about $800.
> You could always ask:
> "How much is your data worth to your company, again?"
> You can get 146's for about $500 and even 300GB SCSI-3 drives exist.

Yes. At rather incredible prices.

One of our customes just bought 30 nearly identical machines (Intel  
E7520JR2 boards with loads of RAM and dual XEON). 11 are equipped  
with ICP Vortex SCSI controllers carrying a RAID level 5 set of 5  
Fujitsu MAT3300NC plus a hot spare (which saved our lives already as  
20 of those disks died on us already). The rest is equipped with S- 
ATA backplanes and ICP Vortex S-ATA RAID controllers with four disks  
of 160 to 500 GB each (and no hot spares).

Neither are the SCSI disks faster nor more durable (we lost only one  
IDE disk up to now)  - we compared similar RAID configurations first  
and the real reason thosee SCSI RAIDs were bought was the fact that  
you couldn't get more than four disks on an IDE Vortex. If you're  
asking me: Save the bucks on the hard drives and get some better disk  
controller instead. And no, I don't have any Adaptec shares nor did I  
really like ICP being bought by those manure spreaders of Adaptec  
(who designed some of the worlds most non-functional RAID controllers  
I've ever had the displeasure to work with).


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