rmt as a bottleneck - Was: Weird behaviour of AIT-3 and (g)tar

David Gilbert dgilbert at dclg.ca
Tue May 31 07:24:19 PDT 2005

>>>>> "Bruce" == Bruce Evans <bde at zeta.org.au> writes:

>> Observe that I bypassed rmt; that bumped the transfer rate to
>> 10.976.153,96 Bytes/s, almost 30x faster. Should this really
>> happen? (And yes, I read rmt(8), but found nothing about this. :(
>> ).  Thanks for your help;

Bruce> ISTR that remote tars have a delay of 10 msec or so for each
Bruce> block because the protocol needs to talk after each block (it
Bruce> doesn't stream) and there is a TCP startup delay of this
Bruce> amount.

I have often considered the problem of remote tape devices.  By way of
introduction: I've done a lot of tape handling on UNIX and other
systems for complex block formats.  The UN*X tape model is rather

The primary problem with rmt (and UN*X tape in general) is that it
cannot stream.  If I signal "EOT" (end-of-tape) to tar, tar blithly
assumes I meant the block you just wrote caused an EOT.  Some tape
hardware approximates streaming by estimating EOT ahead of time --- it
certainly performs better, but it's not a great solution.

Some tape programs on UN*X attempt to buffer heavily in RAM (team,
etc)... but to overcome this shortcoming in the multi-tape case, they
all need multi-volume smarts.  Pretty much a mess.

So... yes... there's a chatter for every block because the protocol
needs to return the status of every block.

I keep threatening to write the difinitive tape suite for FreeBSD
... but something more important always comes along.  Problem is,
everything needs rejiging ... tar, dump, tape drivers, rmt, etc.


|David Gilbert, Independent Contractor.       | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:       dave at daveg.ca                    |  equal if and only if they |
|http://daveg.ca                              |   are precisely opposite.  |

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