some simple nfs-benchmarks on 5.4 RC2

Eric Anderson anderson at
Tue Apr 19 04:45:49 PDT 2005

Claus Guttesen wrote:
>>>Will I get better performance upgrading the server from dual PIII to dual Xeon?
>>rsync is CPU intensive, so depending on how much cpu you were using for this,
>>you may or may not gain.  How busy was the server during that time?  Is this to
>>a single IDE disk?  If so, you are probably bottlenecked by that IDE drive.
> The storage is ide->fiber. Using tcp-mounts and peaking 100 MB/s it
> used just about 100 % cpu.
> Rsync was only used to copy the folder recursively (-a),  it used nfs
> to trasnfer the files to the nfs-server.

When you say 'ide->fiber' that could mean a lot of things.  Is this a single 
drive, or a RAID subsystem?


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
A lost ounce of gold may be found, a lost moment of time never.

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