Problem with OOo when running as an LDAP/NFS user (not root)

Thomas Lecomte th.lecomte at
Thu Feb 19 13:00:26 PST 2009


I am having troubles running builds, either native
FreeBSD builds v2.4 and v3, or the Linux build running with the
emulation layer of FreeBSD.

So, everytime I start OpenOffice, it popups the "first-time" wizard
(asking me for my names, to accept the license, and to register). When
quitting & relaunching the app, it shows up again.

Then, I can't use keys like backspace, delete, the arrows, etc.

When running as root, there is no such problems, everything works fine.
My users are authenticated against an LDAP directory (with PAM), and
their home directories are mounted via an NFS share.

I tried to copy the /root/ directory to my home
directory, and then it worked fine with my user. So I guess it's related
to the profile created by OOo when it runs as a normal user, or maybe
when the home directory is located on an NFS mount.

I did compare the two trees, I attached a diff of them. The left column
is the root's directory, the right one is my user's one.

I'm not sure it's FreeBSD-related, as the Linux binaries produces the
same problems (still running on FreeBSD).

Any informations would be appreciated to help me debug this out.

Thomas Lecomte

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