editors/openoffice-2.0 & java/jdk14

Bartosz Fabianowski freebsd at chillt.de
Sat Mar 11 17:59:09 UTC 2006

> pkg_add: package 'gamin-0.1.7_2' conflicts with fam-2.6.9_6

This is fallout from the, highly controversial, recent switch from fam 
to gamin. If you want to switch to gamin, which is the default now, you 
should remove *all* ports that depend on fam, remove fam, install gamin 
and then reinstall all the dependent ports. This will probably mean 
reinstalling half of the software on your machine. It's way easier to 
opt for the good old fam instead of gamin. Add the following line to 
your /etc/make.conf:


Then try installing OpenOffice.org again.

- Bartosz

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