openoffice-1.1.1RC install without jdk

Sean Welch Sean_Welch at
Thu Mar 18 19:05:16 PST 2004

As an additional data point, I noticed that configure is looking for
javac so I just add /usr/local/jdk1.4.2/bin/ to root's default PATH
environment variable.  Everything ran just fine after that.  This is
under 5.2.1-RELEASE.


>> The port is under construction at the moment.  I told is explicitly to
>> use my installed java:
>>  make CONFIGURE_ARGS+="--with-jdk-home=/usr/local/jdk1.4.2"
>> which solves that problem, but I haven't gotten it all the way built
>> yet, so I can't be sure that's all you need to know.
>> This particular problem seems to be caused by the makefile using
>> JDKDIR and JAVAVM before defining them.  It looks like the definitions
>> should be able to just get moved up, so I'm trying that, but it hasn't
>> gotten far yet.
>No, that doesn't do it.  I can't remember why I thought it would,
>either; it doesn't actually affect the configure script.
>I won't get more time to work on it for a few days, and by then
>there may be more changes to the port.

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