OO 1.1.1 on FreeBSD requires Moz 1.0.1?

Nakata Maho chat95 at mac.com
Wed Jul 28 19:46:50 PDT 2004

In Message-ID: <20040722133023.73782.qmail at web41115.mail.yahoo.com> 
"Scott I. Remick" <scott at sremick.net> wrote:

> Hello... I have Mozilla 1.7 already installed from ports (FreeBSD 5.2.1). I
> also have OpenOffice 1.1.0 already isntalled. OpenOffice 1.1.1 is requiring
> Mozilla 1.0.2 and tries to build it when I try and do a portupgrade. Is
yes. we need mozila runtime and include files, etc.

> there any way to have OO 1.1.1 be happy with my already-installed Mozilla
> 1.7 so I don't have to have 1.0.2 AND 1.7 installed (and wait for 1.0.2 to
> build, which takes a long time)?

there's a plan to upgrade mozilla to 1.7. however this doesn't mean
compilation time will be reduced :(
--nakata maho

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